Mobile sliding menu 7.x-3.0 --------------------------------------- - Issue #2683487 by carsato: fixed mmenu localized i18n links. - Issue #2505657 by avisconti: added mmenu widescreen, iconbar extensions. - Modifies mmenu module to support jquery.mmenu (5.6.4). - Adds new mmenu extensions and add-ons. - Remove deprecated methods and api hooks. Mobile sliding menu 7.x-2.1, 2015-05-06 --------------------------------------- - Issue #2329329 by joncjordan: hides the mmenu until document is ready. - Issue #2323809 by MissonHxC: supports custom classes that were provided by "Menu Attributes". - Issue #2334267: fixes to support both system and non-system menus. - Uses hammer.js instead of hammer.min.js to avoid the missing file issue when compressing the CSS files. - By jhayzhon: fixed the mmenu item class name. Mobile sliding menu 7.x-2.0, 2014-09-28 --------------------------------------- - Mmenu module 7.x-2.0 will require Hammer.JS 2.0 or above, mmenu 4.5 or above. - Adds hooks so that allow to define mmenu effects such as mm-fullscreen, mm-slide, mm-zoom-menu, and mm-zoom-panels. - hook_mmenu_effect - hook_mmenu_effect_alter - Adds hooks: - hook_mmenu_icon - hook_mmenu_icon_alter - Renames hook_mmenu_class to hook_mmenu_theme. - Renames hook_mmenu_class_alter to hook_mmenu_theme_alter. - Adds SCSS file for each theme. - Changes to load the Hammer.js from local library instead of remote CDN. See the README.txt to get the installation instructions. - Adds the new jQuery plugin library for the Hammer.js. See the README.txt to get the installation instructions. - Takes out the icons folder from the module. You need to generate your own icons set to the library directory at /sites/all/libraries/icomoon. And also, you need to copy the style.css and rename it to icomoon.css. - Issue #2216485 by tourtools: should only show the menu items that belong to the current active language in a multi-language site. - Issue #2194419 by drupalion: supports wide screen. - Issue #2327929 by joelstein: supports the Menu Firstchild module. - Issue #2217339 by mattcoker: supports the Special menu items module. - Issue #2261067 by webadpro: only show the mmenu on specific theme. - Issue #2327929 by joelstein: fixes to compatible with the firstchild module. - Issue #2217339: fixes to compatible with the special menu items module. - Issue #2219277 by joelstein and danilenko_dn: don't display mmenu on some specific paths. Mobile sliding menu 7.x-1.1, 2014-01-09 --------------------------------------- - Adds block template suggestions for rendering mmenu block content. e.g. you can use following templates to re-format the search form content: - block--search--form--mmenu.tpl.php - block--search--form--mmenu_mmenu_left.tpl.php - block--search--form--mmenu_mmenu_right.tpl.php - Fixes mm-white styles. - Fixes lots of issues. Mobile sliding menu 7.x-1.0, 2014-01-07 --------------------------------------- - Adds hooks: - hook_mmenu - hook_mmenu_alter - hook_mmenu_class - hook_mmenu_class_alter - Initial release of Mobile sliding menu module. - Mmenu can be positioned at the top, right, bottom or left. - Adds an admin page to config Mmenu settings at /admin/config/mmenu. - Supports "drag to open" event by using Hammer.js. - Supports icomoon styles. See