Elastic Email 7.x-x.x, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------ Elastic Email 7.x-2.3, 2018-04-09 ------------------------------ Issue #2841074 by johnennew, mike.davis: Getting warning about low credit on free account Elastic Email 7.x-2.2, xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------ Issue #2617206 by mike.davis: Is the 'low credit threshold' still valid Issue #2870430 by msupko: Unauthorized: Dashboard error when sending emails Elastic Email 7.x-2.1, 2016-07-06 ------------------------------ Issue #2678936 by mike.davis: Hide the test tab if settings invalid Issue #2733667 by mike.davis: Dependancy on Date Issue #2657784 by mike.davis: Update variable name $s_html Elastic Email 7.x-2.0, 2016-01-27 ------------------------------ Issue #2545102 by mike.davis: Undefined property: stdClass::$data error when no connection Issue #1047810 by mike.davis, alexdav: html email not working Elastic Email 7.x-2.0-rc1, 2015-02-11 ------------------------------ #2359643 by mike.davis: Provide ability to customise the test emails. Elastic Email 7.x-2.0-beta2, 2015-01-28 ------------------------------ #2292605 by mike.davis: Provide ability to view the log Elastic Email 7.x-2.0-beta1, 2014-10-20 ------------------------------ #2292603 by mike.davis: Added facility to be able to set the default channel for the site. #2292607 by mike.davis: Added ability to show how much credit is left on your account. Elastic Email 7.x-1.1, 2014-10-01 ------------------------------ #1068380 by mike.davis: Fixed Mimemail integration and drupal_mail bugfix. #1047810 by mike.davis: Fixed html email not working. #995640 by mike.davis: fix for no response (or empty response) received from Elastic Email service. #2297777 by mike.davis: Text is not translatable. #2305277 by mike.davis: Update queue description to add link to Queue UI. Elastic Email 7.x-1.0, 2014-06-05 ========================================== Initial release for Drupal 7.x