libwkhtmltox Documentation

libwkhtmltox is divided into several parts.

To PDF c-bindings

The file pdf.h contains a fairly high level and stable pure c binding to wkhtmltopdf. These binding are well documented and do not depend on QT. Using this is the recommended way of interfacing with the PDF portion of libwkhtmltox.

Using these binding it is relatively straight forward to convert one or more HTML document to a PDF file, using the following process:

To image c-bindings

The file image.h contains a fairly high level and stable pure c binding to wkhtmltoimage. These binding are well documented and do not depend on QT. Using this is the recommended way of interfacing with the image portion of libwkhtmltox.

Using these binding it is relatively straight forward to convert one or more HTML document to a raster image or SVG document, using the following process:

The rest of the headers.

The rest of the headers directly exposes the C++ QT dependent class used internally by wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage. They are not fairly well documented and are not guaranteed to remain stable. unless you know what you are doing you should not use these bindings.